Cheaper shaving brushes

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Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
Feather ftw. Sharpest, if not the longest lasting. Used with a mild razor (EJ89 for me), a great combination.
I've got the Mühle R106 which I think is the same head as the EJ89. I think there might be some Feathers in the house somewhere, I know they have a fearsome reputation.


Oh, and for DE blades I use bog standard Wilkinson Sword from the local chemist. They work for me.

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
I'm using that particular soap at the moment and have no complaints with it. Nicer products are definitely available but that will do the job and still nicer than aerosol gunge.

I really wish I could still have Erasmus cream in the metal tubes but doesn't seem to be available any more.

Have a look for the Palmolive shave stick too, a very nice soap for very little money.

I do have a cheap brush but not that particular model. Seems to work okay. I've never tried an expensive brush for comparison.
Wimps got me some Erasmic cream (not to be confused with Orgasmic Cream) a while back and agree it’s fab. Still available from the dreaded large river....
Amazon product ASIN B001DUSMECView:

Bonefish Blues

Banging donk
52 Festive Road
Agree, OK in a closed comb, but the edge doesn't last at all well.
My personal favourites are Personna platinum. The muhle own brand are OK too. I like the muhle soap blocks.
Yes, Personnas are probably the best 'all-rounders' if you factor in their greater longevity - I sold all mine, sacrificing durability for that nth more sharpness with Feather blades, but there's no right or wrong (albeit there's some shockers out there that you shouldn't use on a dog - which of course also have their aficionados who swear by them!)


I've recently switched from disposable 3 blade razors to a Classic Wilkinson Sword Razor with the aim on cutting back on my use of plastic. it came with 5 Blades. I chose it because it was a brand that I recognised and an inexpensive tryout( £14 at the time, now reduced to £10 ). I'm getting on with it OK, so may look to "upgrade". Observations: the three blade disposables had a smaller head and were, of course, a fair bit lighter in weight than the Wilkinson which feels a bit "top heavy" if that makes sense. I'm also taking longer to shave as the lack of familiarity means that I'm being very careful. The bit under the nostrils is a tad awkward.
I'm still using the blades that came with the pack and they seem fine.
Any recommendations for the next step up with a more "balanced " feel, without costing a fortune? ( I was searching for razors that were manufactured in the UK, some were several hundred quid) 😮

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
I thought you’d have shaving bush?


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
I've recently switched from disposable 3 blade razors to a Classic Wilkinson Sword Razor with the aim on cutting back on my use of plastic. it came with 5 Blades. I chose it because it was a brand that I recognised and an inexpensive tryout( £14 at the time, now reduced to £10 ). I'm getting on with it OK, so may look to "upgrade". Observations: the three blade disposables had a smaller head and were, of course, a fair bit lighter in weight than the Wilkinson which feels a bit "top heavy" if that makes sense. I'm also taking longer to shave as the lack of familiarity means that I'm being very careful. The bit under the nostrils is a tad awkward.
I'm still using the blades that came with the pack and they seem fine.
Any recommendations for the next step up with a more "balanced " feel, without costing a fortune? ( I was searching for razors that were manufactured in the UK, some were several hundred quid) 😮
Agree with @Bonefish Blues. Edwin Jagger, made in Sheffield. Buy direct from Edwin Jagger or The English Shaving Company and avoid the big tax dodgers. They also do a starter pack of various blades in plastic free packaging so you can find ones you like. And all the fancy creams and soaps of course.

Careful though, if you really want to get sucked into it you can check out YouTube and the forums, there are people who take it just as seriously as a hobby as some do cycling. Personally I think if you're going to scrape a sharp blade over your face every morning then it's worth spending a bit of time and money and making it a pleasant experience.

Edit: removed dodgy link. Google will do the work for you if necessary.
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Macho Business Donkey Wrestler
Now if anyone wants to talk to me about brands of blade I'd be very interested. I'm trying a few out, current favourite is Rapira but I'm open to suggestions...
When I still wasn't sure about which blades I bought a few big sampler packs from eBay, many sellers still do them so you could try loads that way. I must have had 40 or 50 brands at one point. My all time favourites are Gillette 7 o'clock yellow (Sharpedge) and green (Superstainless), I ended up buying those in bulk.


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
When I still wasn't sure about which blades I bought a few big sampler packs from eBay, many sellers still do them so you could try loads that way. I must have had 40 or 50 brands at one point. My all time favourites are Gillette 7 o'clock yellow (Sharpedge) and green (Superstainless), I ended up buying those in bulk.
View attachment 606429
Yeah, the English Shaving Company do sampler packs. 'Sharp', 'mild' or 'plastic free' depending on your preference. I've got Astra, Shark, Perma-sharp and Rapira on the go at the moment. Might try the 7o'clocks next.

Edit: fourth time out for the Rapira today, on two days growth and still a very nice three pass shave. Smooth, no pulling and no irritation.
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Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I've just used my shaving soap and brush to shave my bonce and face. Getting that hard,sharp when broken horrendous plastic wrapping off the brush was difficult. Why not put them in cardboard boxes instead?🤔

Anyway,that's i think the first shave i've ever had using a brush. Yes, it was ok. The soap lathered up well and the brush was soft and good at applying the soap. Should i leave the top off the soap bowl to let it dry,or should i put the top back on while it's still wet?🤔

Bonefish Blues

Banging donk
52 Festive Road
I've just used my shaving soap and brush to shave my bonce and face. Getting that hard,sharp when broken horrendous plastic wrapping off the brush was difficult. Why not put them in cardboard boxes instead?🤔

Anyway,that's i think the first shave i've ever had using a brush. Yes, it was ok. The soap lathered up well and the brush was soft and good at applying the soap. Should i leave the top off the soap bowl to let it dry,or should i put the top back on while it's still wet?🤔
I put the top on after draining any excess off
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