Joey Shabadoo
My pronouns are "He", "Him" and "buggerlugs"
He's an advertising guy selling his industry, he's not likely to say anything else.I didn't realise there was so much science involved. A few years back I changed to a safety razor and haven't thought too much about it since. We seem to have a lot of Turkish brands here, which are very good and have some lovely 1950's styled packaging.
I remember hearing a story of an ad executive giving a lecture saying that the industry knew the safety razor gave the best possible shave but that they could make much more money with disposable razors, so they ran a massive campaign persuading people to change to the "better" disposables, which is why there was a market for them.
Best shave is an open razor. No question about that, but it takes practice, skill and you'll end up with cuts and nicks more often than not.
When safety razors came out, the cut throat market died overnight because safety razors require less skill and practice. You don't cut yourself as often but still need alum blocks and bits of tissue.
Disposables were the next step. Even easier to use and almost impossible to cut yourself.
I'll admit, when I have time I'll use a safety razor or shavette because there's nothing quite like the sizzle of a sharp blade through cheek stubble but for most men, most of the time, shaving is a chore and a Mach 3 gives a more than adequate result, quickly and with no blood.
Besides which, the best shave in the world looks like a Gillette Blue after an hour anyway.