Legendary Member
I have to agree with Hacienda71, above. Having experienced for myself the difference between an entry-level wheelset and a top quality wheelset from the same manufacturer on two otherwise identical bikes, I can confirm that there's a clear difference in the way they feel and handle.
Top of the range Mavic wheels are massively stiff and built with high quality materials under high stresses. When I unclipped inwards and bent a spoke on my Ksyrium SLs, the spoke snapped a few weeks later with a hell of a crack and the wheel went out of true straight away. Trying to match the broken ends there was a gap of a couple of millimetres, indicating how much tension there had been in the spoke. Replacing the spoke was quick and easy once we'd got the right length.
Top of the range Mavic wheels are massively stiff and built with high quality materials under high stresses. When I unclipped inwards and bent a spoke on my Ksyrium SLs, the spoke snapped a few weeks later with a hell of a crack and the wheel went out of true straight away. Trying to match the broken ends there was a gap of a couple of millimetres, indicating how much tension there had been in the spoke. Replacing the spoke was quick and easy once we'd got the right length.