Find it heart-warming that you're mostly welcomed and feted in a country where you're a stranger, perhaps even more so than you might be in your own country?
Examples similar to the kindnesses you seem to have enjoyed since arriving in Mexico are, at least in my experience, sadly much rarer for the cycle tourer here in the UK.
I'd tend to agree, not just with my limited experience in the UK & Ireland, but also on Mainland Europe with the possible exception of Spain. Unsolicited help or assistance is rare, yet I'm pretty sure that if I needed help it would be forthcoming.
I can't help but think that a lot of the difference is down to culture. I've had many positive encounters with people in Europe, but normally there has been a "reason" for them to break the ice - perhaps eating beside the loaded bike, or stopped looking at a map.
Here, people turn around and come after me (in the best sense!). There is no formality to it, no apparent reason. It is very refreshing!
Then there's the level of expression. In the UK or Ireland I might get a finger or two raised from a steering wheel in recognition, that was a standard greeting in a lot of rural USA. Here it's a full arm wave - or more!
What I can offer no thoughts on are the trucks! Not all, certainly, but the vast majority, are beyond respectful and make me feel like a welcome part of the road community. In the States I was invisible!
Of course, in this part of Mexico a loaded bike tourist is a rarity so that's a factor too.
Sometimes on some of my weekend trips in NL I'd play the clueless foreign tourist (not a demanding role for me

) and ask a question of someone. Then the hospitality & friendliness would be on display. A bit duplicitous on my part, but enjoyable.