Thanks for the kind words. It might seem like Hobbes is just some stuffed material, but he's come to represent far more than that.
Besides, from the comic strip he's obviously a very witty, intelligent and keen observer of human nature - not a bad thing in a travelling companion!
Without meaning to deliberately heighten the suspense (

) I'm off the bike for the next while. I'll let the travelogue catch up with me a day at a time
I've made a slight change to the format including the climbing & descending as well as the min & max heights. I thought it might help people get a clearer picture.
If anyone has any suggestions for improvements I'm all ears - so long as it's not too much extra work. Please remember that all this is being done on a phone! Plus, internet connectivity (or at least decent connectivity) is increasingly difficult.
If anyone is genuinely worried, Hobbes on Tour is also on Facebook.
I try to post something every day, when possible - it's really just a way of letting the most people know that I'm still alive!
Since posting the photos is the most difficult here, that can lead to a delay in updating the Travelogue.
My genuine & sincere thanks to the
@Moderators for allowing both the travelogue and this chat thread. Logistically it is much easier for me.
I am really enjoying writing this. I heartily recommend it to anyone. Not only is it a great way to remember so many little details that would otherwise be forgotten quickly, it is a great exercise to do at the end of the day just to recognise what has been achieved, enjoyed and to put the tough times into perspective.
My thanks also to all those reading this. Travelling solo has its advantages & disadvantages. Knowing that there's a group of people following along is very heartening.
To any lurkers out there, don't be afraid to post something too, or ask a question. I've a few weeks learning Spanish so this is as good a time as any. There's no dumb questions - just maybe my dumb answers