A bit late catching up

, so here's the first "catch-up" comments:
Stopped to admire the coffee plants a tiny humming bird put in an appearance.
Love the way you are still seeing the little things like this.
I'm not about to pull out my own food at a roadside restaurant especially not one as impoverished as this.
A surreptitious shot of my coffee and empanada stop. A simple display of crisps, soft drinks and empanadas. A flask for the coffee. The couple live in a two room shack their bed a mattress on the floor. It's a tough life in these parts
Very gracious and absolutely right, IMHO. Traveller vs Tourist again.
... a voice whispered "This is for you. No need to share. Just enjoy".
Sensible voice !

I fully get how very difficult it is to get a photo which captures the full emotion, colour, atmosphere, humidity, smell and
feeling of that exact time and place.

Even more so on a small phone camera !
I couldn't have designed it better myself
What an amazing and beautiful view.

... and I know it was actually better in "real eye view"

; the camera lens/sensor always compensates for the lighter or darker bits of the photo, while the natural eyes just take it all in !
Being a totally selfish git I was thinking that it was a poor thing for cyclists if this road is improved while on the other hand I was glad that I got to travel it before the improvements are completed. What a dick!
You can always go back and do a comparison

when it's finished !
Then Wonder Wuss takes over ... ... but this happened less and less as the day wore on. I guess we really do get more comfortable as we push out our boundaries. Literal and metaphorical.
Knowing we didn't die or injure ourselves can do a lot for our confidence – and we realise we are more able/capable than we thought !
There were times when I was feeling very emotional looking down on these scenes. Not only was I living my dream I was doing it in such spectacular circumstances.
A magical, magical road!!
Thank you for inviting us to join your dream and live it with you !
Uncompacted clay and stones, minimal visibility, magic tape..... I wanted adventure and I'm sure getting it!!
Tremendous photo ! Really captures the contrast between the clearer skies and the mist and damp. How many others who have ridden this road have seem the brightness you have ? Not many AFAICS from the few reports I've read ...
Then there's the scenery. I've become quite accustomed to it all. That's not to say I'm bored. Not at all. But I wonder if someone from far away would be able to process it all? Would they have the time and the luxury to make friends with the trees? To know which ones speak to them and lift their spirits?
I genuinely doubt it – but that's because you are a fascinated traveller, absorbing all you can and sharing it, your thoughts, pictures, experiences etc with us.
You stop enough to be amazed at the views etc; do you ever take time to look and think "Wow – I've just cycled up
that ???

One blog I had read before inspired the note "not as friendly as before". A couple had noted over the whole Trampoline that people shunned them, ignored them and generally made them feel unwelcome. I didn't notice that at all, quite the opposite in fact.
Maybe being solo, interested and courteous makes the difference ? Also this…:
... and often short chats
More than 'communication' - that's 'connection'.
I also asked myself what it must be like to fly into a place and do a route like this or the Alto de Letras .... As I rode up I wondered what those people would be missing.
Tourists vs Travellers

... but, to be fair, not everyone can have or make the time to be the Traveller. Many just don't have the time/flexibility in their lives to be able to take off and do as you are doing and "a marathon or ...(a) triathlon or do *one of those obstacle courses that involves lots of mud and tears*" is as much adventure/ challenge as they have time/ inclination/ courage/ nerves to do.
Families are great ... but also change one's priorities/ requirements/ desire for adventure ...
*...*: Yes, I signed up for one of these 2 years ago, to complete it shortly before another 'significant' birthday. It's been Covid-delayed since then, so I now find myself faced with the prospect of doing it
past that 'significant' date and 2 years older !

Now whose bright idea was that

... persuasive Mrs Scoosh ???

(she did one a few years ago ...)
There will not be a Report.