What perfect timing for
@Shadow - random acts of kindness from (real world) strangers!
Thank you
@netman for your kind and very generous offer.
When I was thinking about this trip one thing I knew for sure was that I wanted a record kept. I want someday, when I'm old, decrepit and grumpier to look back on a great big adventure.
Heading away on my first ever bike tour (along the Danube, my bags being carried from hotel to hotel

) was one of the best things I ever did. What I saw and ate and drank could have been anticipated, but how I felt? Naw. Nothing could have prepared me for that.
That little jaunt set in train a series of life changing decisions that has me ultimately where I am and I regret not a single thing. (Well, maybe that I didn't start this touring thing earlier!)
That's a very long winded way of saying that this travelogue has a second purpose - to inspire anyone (and I mean pretty much
anyone) to throw a leg over a bike and cycle....anywhere....for an adventure.
If i can do it.....anyone can.
I set about looking at the options and what was best for me in the situations I envisioned.
The leading bike touring website, CGOAB was denied to me (slightly embarassing pubic admission coming up😊) because I was banned! Never been banned from anything in my life!
I didn't like the feel of the commercial blog sites - they were too clean, too organised, too slick. I'll admit to being clean (most of the time

) but organised and slick are not two adjectives normally associated with me

Then I discovered the Travelogue section here, hidden away in the back. (I'm tempted to throw up a Dirty Dancing reference here but don't want to ruin my manly, macho image 😀).
I tested out writing up my trip to Ireland (on the phone) and realised how it could work very easily.
I had chats with the mod team because this would be slightly different from what went before, certainly in terms of length. They have been fantastic to me since before I started.
I can't think of a better place to record this trip. A parallel or secondary hosting site would seem disrespectful to this site, the mods and to everyone reading this here.
This site is a fantastic community, friendly and helpful in the main and as a part of this community it behooves us all to keep it that way. I don't mean to come across as egotistical but I'd like to see my Travelogue and this chat thread as a part of my effort in that.
@netman has played his part in that and there are others who have contacted me privately to offer help and words of encouragement too.
I really couldn't be happier than to have this as the only place to record my trip.
Thanks again,