Maybe I'm biased but I think it a pity that you went for more wahoo after your troubles hobbes. I'd have gone maybe a bit backwards in tech (not always bad) and gone for something like an etrex 20/x. AA batteries so no way will the batteries compromise the life of the thing. Normal AAs. Or rechargeables, easy to recharge from mains on stops. You can also charge AAs from a cheapo thing Ikea (and doubtless others) sell plugged into a powerbank. That charged of course from your dynamo.
I think you're forgetting that I only have my phone to work with, increasing the complexity of interacting with the unit significantly.
Other than this battery failure and one time at home when I unwittingly tried to use the unit while it was updating, the Elemnt has been a dream. It's connectivity with the likes of Komoot is not to be underestimated on the road. (Not to be read as an endorseme of Komoot - its not, but it is handy in cities). I wouldn't like anyone to think I've "had troubles" with Wahoo. I've had one issue (not an uncommon one in electronics) and it has been rectified to my satisfaction.
As things stand I can create or "borrow" a route thousands of km long and put it straight onto the unit. I'm not sure I can do that with the different etrex units.
As I mentioned, I've read of too many issues with memory cards. The one in my phone has been corrupted. The logistics of trying to sort that out on the road is not a pleasant thought.
Yes, the battery is the weak point (like all electronics) but I'm covered now for a year at least, in the event of any further problems.
Trying to get a handle on what maps I would need for the Garmin was not easy (complicated by the fact that I have no idea where I will be going next) and would involve extra expense or a lot of effort (have I mentioned I only have a phone

Garmin customer service is not the best in my experience (I had a "touring" unit that crashed more times on one ride than my Elemnt in three years.)
There are other issues as well. I'd need a special mount for an etrex, a completely new bit of kit that can't be tested in a rough environment until I'm in that environment. Available here, but not easy to get. My current mount (and the spare I carry) will work for the new unit and I have more spares!

Plus, I know it works - even over the rough stuff.
Then there's a different cable needed for the unit.
There's too many "new" things to deal with on the road in a strange part of the world.
Finally, to reiterate, the killer thing for me is the ease of syncing to strava. Currently, an internet connection is all I need to quickly upload the day's ride to Strava. that's not so easy on an etrex.
Oh, the price! Wahoo gave me a hefty discount on the price of either unit and while a bit more expensive than an etrex it meant that price wasn't an issue in the decision- not usual for me.
Another time in another place an etrex may well do a good job.