My mistake, sorry! Didn't read all your post, just assumed you didn't like Finish Line
You asked which lube to keep the chain clean? I use Finish Line dry on both the MTB and the commuter. The commuter chain gets cleaned and relubed after a wet ride, otherwise the lube does the job very nicely.
On a 34 miler last year we rode the first ten or so miles on a very muddy section with cinder trackbed on an old railway line. The rest of the ride was on a mix of millstone grit and moorland, with the occasional sandy path thrown in for good measure. On one climb a guy riding behind me asked me why my drivetrain was shiny and his all covered in shite. I looked down and it had shed all the crap we had ridden through, and was indeed shiny bright. It was because I was using dry lube with the excess wiped off.
Here's a pic of the bike after that event (mines the one at the front) to give you an idea of the conditions. Use a wet lube in conditions like that and everything will be covered in a fine grinding paste.