Riding a bh zaphire 2013 model
OK, cool. From what I can gather from your posts you're reasonably new to cycling but you're enthusiastic. You're in a club and would like to start racing. You have a spare couple of grand knocking about and want to buy a new bike. However, you are posting a lot of questions about comparisons between different superbikes so I don't think you really know what it is you're looking for.
So my advice is this. For the time being, keep that two grand in the bank and just ride your current bike. Get out on the club runs, enter the TTs. Really get to know your bike, its good and bad points, how it handles, how it performs. Ride it to the limit and wring every last drop of performance you can out of it. Then by this time next year, you will have much more ability, fitness and experience and more of an idea of exactly what bike will suit you and your riding. Then you can make a proper informed decision and get yourself an awesome bike for summer 2017.
Two grand is a lot of money and you want to make sure you get it exactly right.
Remember, you will get more respect for riding well on a £500 bike than you will for riding badly on a £2k bike.
This might not be what you wanted to hear, but I think it's what will benefit you the most. In the meantime, let us know how you get on with your TTs and racing