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The rule of thumb seems to be 'if you can't grow/pick it yourself, don't trust it'. Although I'm sure that there are people who are secure in the belief that the worst thing in their coke is maybe a little powdered milk....:smile:

rich p

ridiculous old lush
Abitrary said:
I've taken it on and off for about 20 years socially. .

The first few times are very good. After that it's pointless because you will in the cut.

It's the biggest waste of money in the world and a mugs game for that reason. .

If that's the case why on earth do you still do it?


New Member
rich p said:
If that's the case why on earth do you still do it?

Sorry, just rethinking this... it's for nothing else but peer pressure and trying to fit in.

You may think that it's chavs on the street with 1000 quid a day habits... but it's not. It's people with *money*.

All the banking bonuses you read about in the city, well I'd say at least 3% of that went up some nose or other.


Still wavin'
Ovver 'thill
Joe24 said:
Doesnt 8 out of 10 £20(or is it £10) notes have it on them?:smile:

Sadly, virtually all paper money is now contaminated with opiates or cocaine. There is an "ambient" level of contamination which forensic scientists expect to find. Cash seizures from suspected dealers are often tested, and when the contamination levels exceed the ambient level, then this is one more piece of evidence used in the case.
I must be one of the world's most rubbish drug takers.
I tried cocaine once and didn't like it. It really wasn't nice. It makes your throat numb, and then turns you into an aggressive arrogant nasty person. People say the high is really addictive, but I found it very unpleasant. Pretty much the same with ecstasy - I just couldn't see what the fuss was all about. It's overrated.
Poppers, E's and a bit of coke when I was younger. Good for a laugh but not for grown ups.

I wouldn't mind a bit of conscious altering stuff now actually but self restraint is not my strong point so I don't even drink much these days.

No regrets for trying things though.

Rhythm Thief

Legendary Member
Ross on Wye
A cocaine habit is a sure sign you've got too much money. My old boss used to spend about £500 a week (ie, exactly what I earn before tax) on coke. I like the odd spliff (and I don't do much of that these days) but coke? Not for me.


New Member
AdrianC said:
Having arrived in the country up some arse or other

I'd say that the average of CEOs and company chairman doing it is greater than the rate of, er, their employees.

They are the ones who get the good stuff, and probably mentally disciplined enought to handle it.

And their employees snort the VIM, but such is life.


Still wavin'
Ovver 'thill
Abitrary said:
I'd say that the average of CEOs and company chairman doing it is greater than the rate of, er, their employees.

They are the ones who get the good stuff, and probably mentally disciplined enought to handle it.

And their employees snort the VIM, but such is life.

These two were high-flyers according to the eulogies at the bottom of the article. Sound like a couple of f*ckwits to me.

highpeak will

New Member
Tried it a couple of times but was already pi55ed so can't remember if it was any good or not.

A friend of mine started working on the doors of various night clubs just over a year ago and got heavily into cocaine. He's now lost his wife, his house and his job and is facing going bankrupt. He's still on the stuff and has sold just about everything he owned. His personality has completely changed and I fear the worst for him. I know that not everybody takes it to this extreme, but its certainly not something I'd recommend.
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