Cat or a Dog person?

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Senior Member
Birmingham, UK
ivancarlos said:
Like what? I am getting a vibe here that people who like cats do so because there is less commitment. If you mean cleaning up after them then if you had to then would you still want to own one?

My cat used a litter tray for the first year of his life. To be honest it was pretty grim but I still loved him.

Although I'm a cat person I envy dog owners being able to take their pets out for a walk. However I think I've been a bit put off them by some rather badly trained ones that have variously scared me, bitten me, damaged clothes, pissed on my bike, my tent... xx(
ivancarlos said:
Naughty bunny :biggrin:

Naughty bunny? :angry: More like hare of the dog.xx(


Definitely a dog man (love Border terriers), but as we both work full time, it would be unfair to own one. Mind you, my hens are very cool, and need far less looking after.


New Member
ivancarlos said:
I hope I didn't cause offence. You are obviously very commited to your animals and what you have done is to be commended. I agree wholeheartedly with your final comment.

No, you didn't offend. Honest. I was just putting another side to the general 'cats take less looking after' 'cats are more independent' 'cats don't show affection' sort of stuff running through the thread xx(


nothing in moderation
cat man through and through. anyone who says cats aren't affectionate are incorrect, it's just that you get back what you give. contrast that with dogs, that love you no matter how badly you treat them. mistreat a cat and it will bugger off. hardly a quality that deserves suspicion.


Champion barbed-wire hurdler
Leith, Edinburgh
I'm a cat man.

Used to have two, but sadly one was put down a few years back so now I've only got the 'wee one' who's almost 17. Got her as a kitten from the Cat Protection League, and she's been an indoor cat ever since (because I live in a top-floor flat).

Last week I had to take her to the vet for the first time since she was a few months old, as she's been getting very boney under her fur. Turns out that it seems to be a thyroid problem, and she's now suffering the indignity of being force-fed a pill every day.

She forgets that she's an old girl - mainly because she still looks like a kitten and she's very small. She still steams about the place on hyperdrive like she did as a youngster, and she's still as vocal as she always was (an ex-girlfriend who's a vet says she's never, ever heard a cat that 'talks' as much and as loudly as she does).

I talk to her as I do to a human (since it's just me and her during the week in the flat), and she blethers back. It's always comical !


My wife has a cat that I feed and clean. Over the years, I have got used to it. It is friendly and quite cute. I have never really got on with dogs - not sure why, but I just don't really trust them and I hate the slobbery mouths. So, if forced to chose, it would have to be cat.


alecstilleyedye said:
so you only love something if you can mistreat it?

how is mrs carlos btw :evil:

Or that a dog's love for its owner is unconditional?


goo_mason said:
I'm a cat man.

Last week I had to take her to the vet for the first time since she was a few months old, as she's been getting very boney under her fur. Turns out that it seems to be a thyroid problem, and she's now suffering the indignity of being force-fed a pill every day.

I talk to her as I do to a human (since it's just me and her during the week in the flat), and she blethers back. It's always comical !

sounds like my resume too :rolleyes: Hope `Wee one ' is feeling more him/herself now on thyroxine ?

I have two so its me and the two cats all weekend . One sleeps all day the other sleeps all night so I usually have at least one to talk to :biggrin:

My ex was a vet nurse so if either of the cats get sick I go to pieces and am incapable of making any decisions. Poor Kathy has to be the one to stick needles and pills into them so they both hate her !...

Yes I'm another cat person :evil:
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