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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Photo Winner

An actual advert back in the day :ohmy:
View attachment 657175

An actual advert back in the day :ohmy:
As Joni Mitchell said

“Hey farmer, farmer put away that DDT now
Give me spots on my apples, but leave me the birds and the bees


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
As Joni Mitchell said

“Hey farmer, farmer put away that DDT now
Give me spots on my apples, but leave me the birds and the bees

Joni Mitchell was very clear that one should be careful to consider arguments from opposing perspectives before attempting to reach any sort of conclusion.


Firm and Fruity
Joni Mitchell was very clear that one should be careful to consider arguments from opposing perspectives before attempting to reach any sort of conclusion.

The inventor of DDT won the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1948 for the eradication of malaria, typhus, and yellow fever during the war in many concentration camps, also amongst the deployed troops and civilian populations.


Firm and Fruity
Not quite a cartoon but made me smile

View attachment 657722
It’s the sign of a very good musician or maybe a conductor to be able to read music and “hear it” in your head.
It’s beyond my understanding.


Legendary Member
It’s the sign of a very good musician or maybe a conductor to be able to read music and “hear it” in your head.
It’s beyond my understanding.

I can play from written music (or could back in the day at any rate) but couldn't really hear it in my head from the page. One (of several) reason I was never much good I guess
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