from previous stories about Halfords one might worry about them putting it together/doing heaven knows what to it
don't mean to be mean here but buying from Halfords rather than a decent LBS ....
I didn't say they did build it from scratch but from stories and seeing the calibre of their staff in my local Halfords on the very few occasions I've been in there, I'd bput absolutely nothing past them, just them being in the same room as a bike would frighten me
what of the stories from posters on here seeing people with forks back to front for instance anyway? And things get damaged in transit routinely, I can imagine them tweaking things. Not for me at all.
As someone else said it looks like cable rub has taken off the paint layers, more design than fault. They seem to be mostly rubber these days your look like it is hard plastic? In fact it looks like some is still stuck to the cable entry cap?
OK, but then at least sound like you know what you are doing. It is hardly the carbon frame that's crumbling, now is it?I am a vehicle Tech so I know what I am doing
I get 30% discount that is the only reason
OK, but then at least sound like you know what you are doing. It is hardly the carbon frame that's crumbling, now is it?
OK, but then at least sound like you know what you are doing. It is hardly the carbon frame that's crumbling, now is it?
If you do everything yourself, if they give you a new frame, you can always strip the old and build the new yourself. Should be a straight swap across