Cake Stop Creatives photography thread

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Legendary Member
Devon & Die
As you might see elsewhere, a number of us are being made homeless from Bike Radar Cake Stop, and within that we had a group of us musing on photographical things - not themed, and not just about posting photos, but also discussing technique, composition, and other creative stuff. Bikes actually only rarely featured.

Anyway, here's my creative one from today, dedicated to Mr CS Creative, masjer, whom I'm trying to tempt over to CC. FWIW, this was done on true HDR, and then reduced contrast twice more to try reproduce roughly what I perceived - this is just five minutes' (downhill) ride from the centre of Exeter.



Devotee of OCD
……..a couple of favourites of mine from the last few weeks: (Early riser so sunrises in particular are ‘common’ from me).





Legendary Member
Devon & Die
One thing I should mention is that we both criticise our own efforts, and sometimes politely/gently give judgements on others, or ask questions about how to do something better, for the purpose of improving our own abilities.

I'll own up and say that most of my photography is tourist tat, as one of my main outlets is on my French Facebook Page here, and their taste is for pretty pictures of the Drôme region (and Devon when I'm not there). But the others know their photographic onions better than me, and masjer in particular knows his vintage gear, and is properly creative and skilled - so I hope he comes over to contribute. There are also regular astronomy and architectural photos amongst others.
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