Where are these interest earning accounts? I've yet to find one that offers enough interest, worthy of putting money into it. I have money in accounts, but the interest rate is almost non existent. It'd be different though if you owed them money, then you'd see high interest rates!

As for losing rings, you have to get those that fit tightly, yet are still able to be turned round your finger. Wearing rings that fall off easily is asking for trouble. As for theft, yes 'bling' attracts criminals. My goldsmith friend has a sign up in his shop stating that he does not buy gold! I've been in and seen scrotey types walk in nervously, almost begging him to buy this chain or ring that Quote...Was left to them by their grandma blah blah.

You can almost guarantee that they've just robbed the gold item off some poor unsuspecting type and want to get a few tenners to buy some 'smack'. The goldsmith told me that if he was to buy it then he'd be classed as a fence. and could lose his trading license. Not only that, but who wants to help some scrotey smackhead make a few quid so he/she can buy more smack?! If you did that you'd be contributing to the crime in your area and become as bad as the criminal.