There are two sides to this, making it a significant lifestyle change.
Diet : loads of diets out there on the internet. Find one that's not too extreme and allows some flexibility. Good home-cooked food, with plenty of fruit and veg. If you're prone to nibbles, unprocessed nuts are good. Watch the portion sizes. Don't get hung up on calorie-counting, just be sensible. Allow yourself a beer or two at the weekends if you've had a good week.
Exercise : build up slowly. If you're not used to exercise, then a few weeks of exercising every other day and not pushing your limits too far should get you started. Walking is good. Cycling is better, but there's a big learning curve. Build up the miles slowly.
This is a long-term project, so don't expect too much too soon. You'll be building muscle as well as losing fat, so weight loss may not happen very quickly initially, but you should start seeing shape changes in your body as you develop good habits. The important thing is to build exercise into your normal life, rather than seeing it as a chore. Walk or cycle short journeys and generally try to be more active.
Best of luck in your new life.
Diet : loads of diets out there on the internet. Find one that's not too extreme and allows some flexibility. Good home-cooked food, with plenty of fruit and veg. If you're prone to nibbles, unprocessed nuts are good. Watch the portion sizes. Don't get hung up on calorie-counting, just be sensible. Allow yourself a beer or two at the weekends if you've had a good week.
Exercise : build up slowly. If you're not used to exercise, then a few weeks of exercising every other day and not pushing your limits too far should get you started. Walking is good. Cycling is better, but there's a big learning curve. Build up the miles slowly.
This is a long-term project, so don't expect too much too soon. You'll be building muscle as well as losing fat, so weight loss may not happen very quickly initially, but you should start seeing shape changes in your body as you develop good habits. The important thing is to build exercise into your normal life, rather than seeing it as a chore. Walk or cycle short journeys and generally try to be more active.
Best of luck in your new life.