I‘m an old retired guy who works at a factory store part time for fun. I’m sitting at home right now because there are no bikes to build at our shop. Everything is built and awaiting customers that aren’t coming through the doors because it’s snowing outside. The store is full, the warehouse is full and the prices reduced. It was only late this past summer that we were able to unload the last of our 2022 models. I heard of discounts at some of our other stores that are simply crazy.
The powers that be at head office blew planning, assuming the Covid boom would last forever. There’s a independent shop in the next town that was pleading with one of its suppliers to stop shipping bikes as their warehouse was stuffed. That manufacturer responded by offering to rent them a few containers so they could store bikes in the back lot. There is a small local chain of stores in our area which carries several popular makes of bikes. There’s three stores spread over three adjacent cities, they currently have 4000 bikes in their main warehouse. The market is totally flooded and nobody is going to make money until this backlog clears. Those who have a solid base should survive but I hear rumbling of several of our competitors maybe not making it. I think if Brompton is just breaking even right now they are doing okay in the current marketplace. A lot of companies are bleeding money and just trying to make it through this.
i worked for a component manufacturer in the automotive industry during the 08 recession. Our firm just barely broke even for several years, but we were thought of as doing quite well during that time as many of our competitors went to the wall. I think Brompton could come out the other end of this quite well if the people who hold the purse strings don’t loose their nerve.