Bring back The Cold War

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Bloody right! Democracy needed an enemy it could reach out and thump, for that matter so did Communism as well :smile: Then all this peace shoot went and buggered it up for Tommy Atkins and the like. No more cushy postings, no more LOA, no more fag, tea and coffee coupons - or tax free cars!

The petrol and gas reveneues are pouring back into Russia and they can afford to fuel and fly the Backfires and Bears. Meanwhile, what have we done? Mothballed nine tenths of the RAF and you can get all the Navy into the same space Victory takes up in dry dock.

Cold War? We've bloody lost it before it even starts ;)


Senior Member
"From Northern Afghanistan With Love", "The Suicide Bomber Who Loved Me", "Octo-No-Bloody-Chance-of-any-Pussy"

Don't have the same ring do they?
Andy in Sig said:
And then into the unit bar on Friday afternoon to get slaughtered. I miss 3 Shock Army. Old Gorby has got a lot to answer for. Islamic loonies have indeed got no style by comparison.

Is it true that NATO planning was based on the assumption that the Russians would only attack during normal working hours?

Andy in Sig

Vice President in Exile
They probably had to. If you didn't you'd have had to have written off the Belgians, Greeks and Italians. The Brits would have been there out of hours, absolutely pissed but more dangerous than usual, including of course, to themselves.


Having had time to consider this today and I reckon we (CC Cafe chaps and chapesses) need to infiltrate another forum (non cycle, non mums :smile: and non SS) and start a bit of Cold War stylee capers. We can embed sleepers and carry out covert there a ballet dancing forum? Easy access to svelt Eastern European types, and bit of leg and some familiarity with tight clothing.

How about it? I can give you all aliases and everything.
Noodley said:
Having had time to consider this today and I reckon we (CC Cafe chaps and chapesses) need to infiltrate another forum (non cycle, non mums :smile: and non SS) and start a bit of Cold War stylee capers. We can embed sleepers and carry out covert there a ballet dancing forum? Easy access to svelt Eastern European types, and bit of leg and some familiarity with tight clothing.

How about it? I can give you all aliases and everything.

Great idea! We can sneak in, cause mayhem, and make a hasty retreat whilst covering our tracks!
By the way, did you know you've only got eight digits? :smile:


I don't know about that Patrick. If they had any sense they would have attacked during normal working hours, because they may have won.

Eight o'clock Sunday morning. There only be a few prudish tea-total major out walking their Springer Spanials. BAOR and 2ATAF would be too smashed to do anything. They'd be in Ostend by tea time :smile:

Anybody remember the farsical family evacuation plan? Which train would you like to be evacuated on? Which of your friends would like to travel with? What address in the UK would you like to stay at? What a load of crap. They'd have been arsed-fu$ked to hell and back by the screaming Mongol hordes before the driver let the hand brake off.
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