Thanks everyone for you quick and comprehensive and very helpful responses.
Regarding the comment about the possibility of rear lights dazzling drivers, I am primarily a driver and have taught safe road techniques and strategies to many people over more than 30 years. There are some good cyclists out there but it is also very surprising just how many are unwittingly vulnerable to crashes. Some have diminutive rear lights (for some if they carry any at all) and on the open road (national speed limits et al) these are not sufficiently obvious until you are quite close to the cyclist and sometimes they are just a small bead of light. I am also amazed at how many cyclists even in daylight insist on wearing non conspicuous gear and even more amazed at those who insist on wearing black. Further there are many cyclists who make themselves very vulnerable because they seem to believe that they are not part of the normal road traffic. Yes, there many are cases of drivers needing to be more aware of cyclists and give them more space (5 feet when overtaking please) but that is also the case for cyclists doing all they can to make themselves as conspicuous as possible. If that infuriates some drivers I am afraid that is tough cheese, because safety is more important than irritation; many drivers will get equally irritated and impatient when they get behind a vehicle doing 30mph in a 30 zone. So I would have thought a section on Safety and various strategies to try to reduce cycling vulnerability on the road would be a particularly pertinent one a forum such as this. This may appear to some as though I am getting at cyclists, but others will realise that the suggestions are more in the vein(sic) of cyclists generally doing more to help themselves stay safe and unharmed on the roads.
There are lots of threads that relate to safety and often cyclist behaviour is discussed (usually ad nauseam) within a lot of other topics.
While I don't disagree at all with the gist of your post I think we do need to be careful not to start blaming each other.
I don't see that riding around dressed in high viz makes me any less likely to be mowed down by a myopic motorist, or riding in black any more likely (unless it's at night with no lights

Roadcraft is the key point and riding so as to be prominent and predictable to motorists.
There's also the distinction between a cyclist and a person on a bike, but I'll save that one.
Welcome to the forum, there's lots of great informative people here.