Braking in a brooks saddle

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Legendary Member
I got my girlfriend to use my saddle for a season before I took over and then it took about 6 months of me using before it began to realise who is in charge. It is not totally tamed yet but I am almost there.

It has taken about 18 months and is well worth it.

I have heard of stories where the saddle had been soaked in water and then beaten with a piece of wood to help soften it. It may work but I would not dream of doing it to a Brooks.



Legendary Member
My B17 was comfortable from day 1, however, it reached armchair status after drying out having been saturated during a late season 200km in Scotland.

Of course this was a rare event because everyone knows it never rains in Scotland when any Audax is in progress.


New Member
I've read a lot about the B17 saddle and so I went into the Brookes site to see the prices etc. It seems there are 10 different types of B17 that they make so which is the one that is considered the most comfortable for long (ish) day rides?


I've just bought a B17Narrow(for my next bike) at lunchtime......I'm starting the breaking in process early and will begin in 55mins....I have padded longs with me!


Über Member
Why suffer creating indentations by riding when there is an easier way. Soak the underside of the saddle under the broadest part. Use a couple of folded tissues and soak these with water. In no time the leather will become pliable. After determining the position of your "sitbones", press down with your thumb at these points. This will not require a strong pressure as the leather will give easily. Now allow the saddle to dry for 24 hours and the leather will then be exactly as firm as before but with the addition of indentations.


As with all leather I assumed the comfort comes from the breakdown of the fibres to the mould/shape required but also creating a plyable(sp?) material.
Otherwise I'd have a saddle still as hard but with dents where my arse sits...I'd prefer a saddle that moves with my pedal/sitbone movement.....anyhow, I'm on the second day and the saddle has lashings of dubbin on the underside rubbed in, the top had a thin smear but now has been buffed off.


Über Member
As with all leather I assumed the comfort comes from the breakdown of the fibres to the mould/shape required but also creating a plyable(sp?) material.
Otherwise I'd have a saddle still as hard but with dents where my arse sits...I'd prefer a saddle that moves with my pedal/sitbone movement.....anyhow, I'm on the second day and the saddle has lashings of dubbin on the underside rubbed in, the top had a thin smear but now has been buffed off.

With most leathers the fibres do not in fact break at all but the leather is treated when still a butt with a conditioner which softens and allows the leather to be worked. The Brooks saddle differs in that the indentations are created by the fibres breaking due to continual pressure from the "sitbones". To achieve this, the saddle has to be dry with all the natural oils removed by the forming process.
The alternative to this is when the leather is softened and acts as a tensioned hammock. This is the method used in the Berthaud leather saddle which is superior in construction to the Brooks equivalent in my opinion.


Did 45 miles today on my B17 narrow for the first time. My arse is killing me and during the ride my arse was sliding all over the place. The worst pain is that bit between my arse and balls because the Brooks doesn't have that recess that my other saddle has. Also it weighs a freakin' tonne and it was bloody expensive. Also cost an extra fiver for that stuff I'm supposed to rub into it. Other than all that, it's great !


Bionic Subsonic
A quote from User on another forum: -

You need to prepare your Brooks properly.

1. Take Brooks saddle and large flat stone and place in tumble dryer.

2. Turn heat on tumble dryer to 40 degrees and switch tumble dryer on for 1 hour.

3. Take saddle and stone from the tumble dryer.

4. Throw away saddle and fit stone to bike - the Brooks should have softened it enough.



In Salford the term for the bit of my anatomy between my arse and balls is....that bit between my arse and balls. :smile:

Forgot to mention, went for a piss after the ride and the pain was quite severe (inside the bit between my arse and balls). Emperors new clothes ?
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