why do you feel the need to make it personal?
I'm not. Though, for the umpteenth time, you seem to have taken a comment on here as personal.
Thats good why do you and others feel the need to brow beat me? why do you not allow me my choice without calling me ignorant or claim that i contribute to the lowering of the average age of death as i contribute to obesity?
If you insist on drawing conclusions from statements that are neither explicit nor inferred, then you must expect people to point this out. You have done so repeatedly. Nowhere did I call you ignorant. And your diet and lifestyle haven't been mentioned here, AFAIK. Unless you actually do eat helmets.
I didnt even say anything about this, certainly never said they are always of benefit, not sure why your even raising it?
It has, at times, felt necessary to state what seems obvious to most people. And if you accept that they are not always of benefit, respecting people's reasons for wearing them, or not, should logically follow.
and i agree with your logic, i just think it affect my choice of whether to wear one or not
And that is the perception many on here feel should be challenged.
Well, you've already stated that perceived danger encourages you to wear a helmet. Following logically from that, hi-viz (and segregated lanes, and body armour...) are also encouraged by that perception.
you appear to have made many assumptions as to my views. I have not said anywhere on this thread anything about what you or others should do.
Well, if you don't make yourself clear and insist on drawing false conclusions based on incorrect assumptions, that's a problem you make for yourself. You keep telling us that you're being told to not wear a helmet. You're not. You keep telling us that you've been told it's necessary to 'read all the evidence and data' before wearing a helmet. It clearly isn't, and you clearly haven't.