Nothing contradictory here. I'll spell it out for you, again, as the past seventy six pages seem to have somehow missed your attention.
why do you feel the need to make it personal?
I choose to wear a helmet. And again, the key word is 'choose'. Claud chooses not to wear a helmet. Neither does DZ. Of all the many subjects I've discussed with them over the years, I'm pretty sure helmet wearing has never been one. And why would it be? I respect their choice on the matter, they respect mine. We just don't need to talk about it.
Thats good why do you and others feel the need to brow beat me? why do you not allow me my choice without calling me ignorant or claim that i contribute to the lowering of the average age of death as i contribute to obesity?
Helmets are of benefit only in certain circumstances. For avoidance of doubt, if it doesn't involve some kind of impact with your head, it's of no use whatsoever. I've been in accidents where wearing a helmet was almost certainly of great benefit, where it was possibly of benefit, and where it did absolutely nothing either way.
I didnt even say anything about this, certainly never said they are always of benefit, not sure why your even raising it?
You seem to have confused helmet wearing with lifestyle choices, particularly those of diet and exercise. Eating too much and not getting enough exercise makes you fat. Wearing a helmet has no impact on calorific consumption or expenditure. I suppose you could try eating one, but polystyrene doesn't taste nice I imagine. I really don't intend to test this hypothesis, feel free to do so if you're inclined.
i dont need to, i didnt raise the issue, it was put to me. I said that i didnt believe it affected the decision of an individual to wear or not wear one. Something you appear to agree with me.
Now, here's the tricky bit. What myself, and Claud, and others, have repeatedly pointed out is that if people perceive cycling to involve lots of complication, potential danger, expense (etc), they may well be discouraged.
and i agree with your logic, i just think it affect my choice of whether to wear one or not
Helmet compulsion has been shown to encourage this perception. There is substantial evidence for this. It may have been linked to several thousand times (metaphorically) already in this thread.
im happy to accept this is the case, however i still dont see why this affects my choice of whether to wear a helmet or not
The actual complication, potential danger, expense of cycling is an entirely different matter. You do not need hi-viz.
never said you did
You do not need a helmet. You do not need segregated lanes. You need a bicycle. The less issues- perceived or real- that people have with actually getting on a bike, the better.
again, please point out where i have said otherwise?
you appear to have made many assumptions as to my views. I have not said anywhere on this thread anything about what you or others should do.
I have challenged the reasoning behind the choice, ie, just because perception of wearing a helmet is that it makes cycling dangerous and therefore leads to obesity etc. etc. that does not mean i should not or should wear a helmet.
If it means i shouldnt wear a helmet then it is not freedom of choice and therefore the argument is hypocritical
i also deny that i dont have the right to make a decision on wearing a helmet if i have not read all the evidence and data
these things have been put to me and these are the things i am challenging