Yes, and the discussion has been made easier for the kids to understand since one of my son's teachers was put in a wheelchair by his helmet snagging in an accident which might have left him with nothing worse than a broken collar bone if he hadn't been wearing the helmet.
Fortunately, my family understand risk and understand my reasoning for choosing when to wear, and when not to wear, a lid.
Wiggo can, IMO, screw himself for what he said about helmets and hi viz, especially after abusing and disrespecting the memory of someone who would be no less tragically killed by going under a bus. It might be a futile gesture but I'll be voting for the women's pair to get the SPOTY.
I sympathise with your sentiments, though I suspect poor Wiggo will now be bitterly regretting what he said and the hornets nest he has blundered into. I'm sure had not intended at all to be pinning blame on the victim. Unfortunately, this shows what can happen when somone is collared under pressure by the press on something they weren't expecting or prepared to talk about. He isn't a politician, a campaigner or a otherwise trained media professional...