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Sod the cat what the feck is going on with that extra brake lever?
Sod the cat what the feck is going on with that extra brake lever?
You'd expect to see any benefits to helmet wearing to show up in the epidemiological studies that compare the KSI rates of helmetted and bare headed cyclsits. They don't. Your assertion is demonstrably false.
It might be helpful for you if read up on the scientific method.
Questions, questions... Is it going to go on like this indefinitely, or can we be expected to be let in on the point of your enquiries any time soon?
We did logical fallacies in the first year Ben, c'mon do keep up, your in the 6th form now.
The people who will decide this will be MPs in Parliament or the devolved assemblies, not motorists. And they are lobbied by the leaders of organisations who want to make them compulsory but have little interest otherwise in cycling such as BHIT and Headway (whose Chairman is currently lobbying the Welsh Assembly for a mandatory helmet law for Wales). And its cyclists who have led the development of the lobbying to counter that with both the CTC and ECF very actively involved in campaigning with Goverhment to retain freedom of choice.
Your banter might carry more weight if you knew something about how things happen but feel free to keep twit-twoo-ing as your contribution to a serious issue.
1974075 said:You could type it out, allow yourself the self satisfied chuckle you deserve, and delete it. Save bothering the rest of us.
Start at page 1 and give me a shout when you've done. ta.
Tandem drag brake?Sod the cat what the feck is going on with that extra brake lever?
Congratulations! You've won the internet.
Have you actually got a point to make, or are you just being deliberately annoying?
Apparently, the validity of ones opinion is directly proportional to miles cycled.
Having done approximately 50 miles in total this year, I implore you, to ignore everything I say.
Thank you.
Pot and kettle ?