@Mralexrides I really would stop worrying yourself over it. Unless it's blatently mis-described or arrives dangerously broken, both you and the seller have agreed the sale on the condition advertised. It's most likely that it will arrive in good condition, safe to ride, in which case you can decide to keep it or to sell it on. The more detail you give on here, and the more replies you read, it might not end up being very nice. I had a similar thing years ago with aforementioned lemon motorbike; by the time the thread was finished it took one of the moderators to ask everyone to stop kicking me when I was down, because it got to the point where everyone was saying it was my fault for not inspecting it beforehand, and it's not very nice to read when you've just shelled out £800.
True but it was my fault for not doing my due diligence. And for the other posters I only meant racing with friends on Sunday not like any official races. No need to bring my weight into it 😭☠️