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- ...I don't have much idea - really.
You are overweight for your height
Your BMI is 28.5
If your BMI is between 25 and 29.9 you're over the ideal weight for your height. Make sure you eat a healthy, well-balanced diet and don't eat more calories than you need to.
If you're trying to lose weight, get more exercise and avoid snacking and 'crash' diets. If you carry your weight around your stomach, you're 'apple-shaped', rather than 'pear-shaped'. This means you're at more risk of health problems, so you really need to get your weight down.
Top tip:
There are many benefits to losing weight. Start by reducing your calories by about 500 a day, and try to lose 5-10kg (11-22lbs) in about six months.
I don't feel too fat - honestly guv!

Your BMI is 28.5
If your BMI is between 25 and 29.9 you're over the ideal weight for your height. Make sure you eat a healthy, well-balanced diet and don't eat more calories than you need to.
If you're trying to lose weight, get more exercise and avoid snacking and 'crash' diets. If you carry your weight around your stomach, you're 'apple-shaped', rather than 'pear-shaped'. This means you're at more risk of health problems, so you really need to get your weight down.
Top tip:
There are many benefits to losing weight. Start by reducing your calories by about 500 a day, and try to lose 5-10kg (11-22lbs) in about six months.
I don't feel too fat - honestly guv!