Yep, that's about the shape of it, I suppose. Which means, and sorry to get all 'up front and personal' with you Helen, but I don't forget that it was you who had a real 'go' at me in the past* ... what I wonder is, why have you been set a target which is below the 'magic' 25? Meaning that at your present 26-something, you're still needing to shed weight? After all you've done! Is there some sort of fixation with '25' amongst Weightwatchers? I would have thought that, compared to most ladies of your age, you do a tremendous amount of exercise! Unless you've been lying through your teeth on these forums and you don't really cycle at all...wafflycat said:As I said before, it's very useful for the majority of the population who don't do *enough* exercise, be it in the form of some sort of structured exercise pattern or via physically demanding work, to see if they are carrying too much weight.

*bygones be bygones? I may have shown less tact than I ought.