Legendary Member
Maybe £300 for a perfectly OK bike. Cheaper than that - not so good. This isn't merely snobbery, it just can't be done, and even worse, some of the very cheap bikes have things like suspension to seduce buyers but (at that level) is worse than useless and wastes money when the bike itself is already too cheap as it were. Spending more gets you a better bike and would at some leve be good value, and spend more again and you get a nicer bike, which is something else again, but I'd say £300 give or take was the boundary between crap and an actual proper bike
Extras - many "essential" extras are nothing of the sort. Bare minimum is maybe spare inner tube (fiver), AND puncture repair kit (fiver), and of course a pump and tyre levers. A multi tool is worth having - tenner maybe, but not essential if you've already got some allen keys and what not in the house. A track pump is almost essential and in my view the most worthwhile not-quite essential. Special shorts, and bike clothes in general are not essential at all. Worthwhile, yes, but I managed without for maybe 30 years, though do have 'em now. Lights if cycling in the dark - maybe £30 for some Chinese LED ones - which are amazing compared to what we had when I were a lad. Don't feel obliged to buy a helmet - I won't raise the argument here, but let's just say the merits are controversial to say the least.
Extras - many "essential" extras are nothing of the sort. Bare minimum is maybe spare inner tube (fiver), AND puncture repair kit (fiver), and of course a pump and tyre levers. A multi tool is worth having - tenner maybe, but not essential if you've already got some allen keys and what not in the house. A track pump is almost essential and in my view the most worthwhile not-quite essential. Special shorts, and bike clothes in general are not essential at all. Worthwhile, yes, but I managed without for maybe 30 years, though do have 'em now. Lights if cycling in the dark - maybe £30 for some Chinese LED ones - which are amazing compared to what we had when I were a lad. Don't feel obliged to buy a helmet - I won't raise the argument here, but let's just say the merits are controversial to say the least.