Getting the right position on a bike takes time and I would say you are always going for a smaller bike and then adjusting rather than a large bike where the frame will always be too big regardless of what you tinker with.
The other point with getting comfortable on the bike is that if your core is weak you will naturally put more weight through your arms as your core cannot support. It’s surprising how much core strength you need on a bike to support you correctly.
I agree with
@ColinJ that your saddle may be too high as you appear to be stretching the leg and you look tense on those photos and I would start again as was said in a previous post. (It’s difficult to assess from a photo on its own!)
if you get a longer stem without correcting the saddle height and your own position, it will just complicate the issue.
One thing to remember is only change one area at a time otherwise you’ll not know what has made it better/worse.