Bike shops discouraging new cyclists ?

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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
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Inside my skull
Or lots of love perhaps?

Never heard it mean that
Never heard it mean that

I always used it as laugh out loud but iirc when early text speak moved into cycling forums I recall it being discussed a few times that ppl used it n texting, thinking it meant lots of love. Probably a total misunderstanding by older people but it's a good example of acronyms being misused or misunderstood.

Someone's laughing and the other person is feeling the ungiven love! LOL!


Kilometre nibbler
Yes there's a story that someone was using LOL as Lots of Love, resulting in a conversation that went something like:

A: Just heard that my grandma died. I'm very upset.
Lick of love, what your mum did with a hankie to stop you going out to play with a milk or other food moustache!?

PS it stopped for me ehen I was about 4 and started school and I kept shrugging her off. Definitely not still happening.
Lick of love, what your mum did with a hankie to stop you going out to play with a milk or other food moustache!?

PS it stopped for me ehen I was about 4 and started school and I kept shrugging her off. Definitely not still happening.

Yup - one of those things everyone says they will never do

and then catches themselves doing it when they have a kid!!

did see something today on another forum (I know - sorry) which ended LOL
and neither the laughing idea or love idea were in the least bit appropriate

which is why I get confused about what on Earth some people are on about!
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