Bike shops discouraging new cyclists ?

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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
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The truth is, ignorance is not binary. It is a spectrum.

What others cycling terms did you think DF was an abbreviation for?


Well-Known Member
What others cycling terms did you think DF was an abbreviation for?

Downhill Fork?
Dahon Folder?

It's not exactly unambiguous.

I'm confused .. why are we measuring level of knowledge/ignorance based on one abbreviation?


Puzzle game procrastinator!
No, every car and bus and train you move round in is a recumbent. Recumbent is just another word for recline, and describes the seating setup. People are used to getting around in recumbent vehicles, and they find it pretty comfy. Now apply that to a recumbent bike, and it’s equally comfy, plus you are getting your daily active time in at the same time.
Cycling (and walking) are almost the only times that I am not recumbent...

I realised the other day that I have probably averaged 22+ hours a day in the recumbent position for the past 12 years!
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