You are at home though !

- i.e. leaving it unattended.
I don't leave my bikes unattended anywhere, unless at work, then they are still in a secure compound.
Suggestion for the hallway, drop the front wheel off, so you can rotate the bars 90 degrees, so the bike doesn't take up much space. Fitting a wheel takes 30 seconds, especially as you are only using the bike occasionally. Leaving it for a long time in sight, is basically an invitation to steal it.
Lots of advice here from people who have this dilemma every day. Lock it or lose it, use a poor lock, lose it. It's very easy to chop through cheap locks with little or no noise. Angle grinders are noisy. Must say though, my battery angle grinder will chop anything in two in seconds. Most hacksaws will chop a cheap chain very quickly, never mind a small bolt cropper.