Bike Radar forum refugees

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Another BR refugee checking in here, but considering flouncing off in my very first post since absolutely nobody noticed I was missing, despite one new member here using an avatar THAT I MADE FOR HIM ON BR.

Anyway, I never did cake stop, I'm pro-race only, and I'm here for all you Viking overlord needs.
Didn't you (also) add the rainbow stripes to my avatar jersey for the PTP World Championship? So maybe I'm being referred to. In my defense, since you have the reputation or pride yourself... 😜 ... in being first to call out the next nordic cycling superstar, I presumed you'd be first to be here as well. 😁😇


One thing we've omitted to tell the BRFR is that once every 12 months there is a 3-hour CC Forum Rules refresher course, delivered online, with a simple 100-question quiz at the end to check that everything has been taken in. The pass standard is 87%, and a graph will be published of the results, with one axis unlabelled and the other not starting at 0.
Clearly former PTP champions are exempt. Clearly. 😇

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
If we start a daily thread on here like on BR how do we spot it easily each morning?

You’ll find it under your content assuming it is not top of latest activity. Otherwise you can bookmark a post in the thread and find it under bookmarks like so. You can also watch a thread if you like. Tap your avatar top right of page like below to bring these options up.


or you can use your browsers functionality and add it to a reading list using the share button in image below. (Bookmark icon is just to right).

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Archie from BR

New Member
Was there anyone still in the room when you left?

Maybe but the door is closing fast


for those wanting to save content from br:

idly poking around while sipping coffee, i found that if you use urls in the form...

...where n is an integer (1 most recent pageful, 2 next page, etc.) you can get the title and content of each thread you've started in json

now i'm thinking about a quick script to grab mine, perhaps after another coffee

a similar approach could be used to archive any favourite threads you have, for instance...

No Ta Doctor

New Member
I've been archiving a couple of things on the wayback machine to preserve them for all of humanity. Should at least manage to get all the Lanterne Rouge threads done in case they're needed in court

Looks like the shonky forum software might properly bugger up display in the archive though, so @Lanterne Rogue may evade justice once more


Legendary Member
Devon & Die
I've been archiving a couple of things on the wayback machine to preserve them for all of humanity. Should at least manage to get all the Lanterne Rouge threads done in case they're needed in court

Looks like the shonky forum software might properly bugger up display in the archive though, so @Lanterne Rogue may evade justice once more

I was wondering if WM would manage to archive all 2121 pages and 65.1k posts of the Brexit thread, but it seems not, or at least not with my non-existent skills.


Well-Known Member
Way out West
that's json, if you stash it all away you can parse it at your leisure, probably only the name and body elements are needed

for instance you could save bean's thread for posterity...'d need to do extra work to also grab the images, but they're all in the body element as links

I was thinking about the images of Beans but I have most of them. We need, new and dynamic pictures of Beans and discard the old.
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