- Location
- All at sea⛵
According to Alan Anderson, author of 'The Cycling Miscellany', drop bar bikes are less likey to be stolen than flat bar bikes.
Wonder where he aquired his statistics - ?But as there appears to be far more flat bar bikes about now than drop bar, he may well be right simply on the basis of proportion.
Well, mine fits the flat bar category. With my age and accumulated injuries I can only cope with flat bars.
Learning to cope with a bikeless life. Such a bloody pain.
We tried to live a car less life and some scroat has peed all over that. COVID gave the bus company to turn off the bus service.
Up shoot creek and no paddles available!
Bad news is that the Scroat has to find the keys, or wreck the battery mount. Oh, and changing a wheel requires a special tool to do anything with the wheels or saddle.
But I'm still bikeless and stuffed. Oh and in discussion with the insurers.
Me, angry? No of course not, just a model of sweet reason.
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