When they get in the road with out looking and almost knock me off my bike thats a different matter I have a loud voice that anyone can hear over an Ipod
A polite "excuse me please" is far more effective than any bell.
Air Zound
airzound (which imo has no place being used around peds)
If they can't hear a bell, a verbal cue, and a louder verbal cue, then the AirZound is entirely appropriate!
I don't buy it. Feels like a method of bullying pedestrians to me. If they can't hear a bell, a verbal cue, and a louder verbal cue, then maybe you should be slowing down.
You could shout anything, really... I'm going to try "Arsene Wenger" for a week or so... I'll report back.
You assume I haven't........ do I now walk behind them for the next mile and a half in the hopes they will get bored and let me past?
Hey Fnaar: since you're stubbornly refusing to mention 'bell-end' in this thread, I'll have to.
I just ride quetly behind them glaring at the back of their head until they get 'that feeling that someones looking at them' and turn around.