Bike Bell

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When they get in the road with out looking and almost knock me off my bike thats a different matter I have a loud voice that anyone can hear over an Ipod


Active Member
A polite "excuse me please" is far more effective than any bell.

id secound that my road bike hasnt got a bell never has ,

and tbh to give people enough time to move out of my way if traveling at say 25mph i doubt it would be heard clearly anyway .


Legendary Member
I only ever ring my bell at one point of my regular route, and that's at the exit of a shared underpass where it's a blind T-junction - reasoning being that it's a recognisable noise, whereas a shout can be mis-heard without the instant visual confirmation of where the sound is coming from

Still, I was actually knocked "almost-off"- quick unclip and foot on the floor, by a jogger at the same corner - her leg just clipped the edge of my front wheel enough to knock it despite my edging out cautiously


Here for rides.
If they can't hear a bell, a verbal cue, and a louder verbal cue, then the AirZound is entirely appropriate!

I don't buy it. Feels like a method of bullying pedestrians to me. If they can't hear a bell, a verbal cue, and a louder verbal cue, then maybe you should be slowing down.
I don't buy it. Feels like a method of bullying pedestrians to me. If they can't hear a bell, a verbal cue, and a louder verbal cue, then maybe you should be slowing down.

You assume I haven't........ do I now walk behind them for the next mile and a half in the hopes they will get bored and let me past?


Smutmaster General
You could shout anything, really... I'm going to try "Arsene Wenger" for a week or so... I'll report back.

betty swollocks

large member
You could shout anything, really... I'm going to try "Arsene Wenger" for a week or so... I'll report back.

Hey Fnaar: since you're stubbornly refusing to mention 'bell-end' in this thread, I'll have to.


Smutmaster General
Hey Fnaar: since you're stubbornly refusing to mention 'bell-end' in this thread, I'll have to.


On the subject of bells (and their ends) I was in Sports Direct last week (terrible slection of bike stuff in the Newcastle branch). I was momentarily attracted by a bell/compass combo, which I imagined perched on my MTB handlebars... however, the fact that the arrow on the compass (see pic below) points South really annoyed me. To the extent that I didn't buy it, and went and spent the money on a pint of beer instead.


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Paco de Bango

Active Member
I just ride quetly behind them glaring at the back of their head until they get 'that feeling that someones looking at them' and turn around.

On my daily commute through Hyde Park I have to negotiate round a few peds. One night i rode up to a woman wandering in the cycle path, i just slowed right down on the approach, didn't want to overtake in case she made a sudden change of direction... after all it's only a ped, there's no law that says she cant walk on the cycle path.... when i got within about 6 feet, and moving at her walking pace, she turns round to see me (6 feet away mind, 6 feet, and riding as slow as f*ck)... she jumped out of her skin and starts ranting at me.

I tried to politely point out that she was walking in the cycle path and it's not unreasonable to expect to see cycles but she was having none of it and continued to rant that i'd nearly run her over etc etc.

The miserable old boiler ;)
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