Helmet, one that fits your head and is comfortable, you need to try on. Budget probably £30 upwards
Lock, Sold secure Gold D lock plus a cable for front wheel (or another sort of lock). Budget £50+
Lights, Cateye or Moon for me. You need front and rear. Mine were probably around £50
Will depend on where you are riding. Mine are more to be seen than to light the road as most of my rides have decent street lighting.
The countryside has different requirements. You’ll need to budget for better lights
Did you buy your bike?
Pretty much essential.I have to wait my dad permission cause he gonna pay for it
I have try some today and I don’t know how to identify if they are good or not
i tried rc100 and Carrera Zelos Mens Road Bike which both I think is not bike that I want. I have tried my friend road bike before for like 30kmWhat did you try? How did they feel to sit on? Have you ridden a road bike before?
so for helmet at least 30pounds?do you have any recommend?
Planet X have a good range. The sizes are medium and large and the measurement is accurate - i.e. measure your head. That said, it depends upon head shape. The Carnac and PX helmets are often on offer for £15 and are perfectly good - and I'm comparing this to a £150 Bell road helmet - it's just a bit nicer finished. I've got three PX helmets and a Bell. They do the job of protecting you from branches and road rash.