Faux denials of body-shaming notwithstanding, it would be more appropriate to not imply/project your apparent expectation that male cyclists should wear additional baggy layer(s) over their tight-for-functional-reasons cycling shorts, or in some other way cover any body-shape-revealing short properties, to spare your embarrassment/revulsion/etc so that you don't have to put more effort into overcoming your instinct/urge/whatever-it-is to allow your attention to be drawn to the area in question. Instead, you clearly need to address your own attitude to legitimate gender-neutral functional attire, just as men in polite society are expected to overcome their instinct/urge to allow their attention to be drawn to women's, or indeed men's, equivalent areas.
It's incredibly easy to avoid noticing, or accidentally glimpsing, men's crotches, especially in the context of situations that are the subject of this thread - you should try harder.