bib tights or shorts that hide your junk

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Über Member
I stopped caring about it. I'm so handsome and athletic that I think it's quite a nice treat for my colleagues


Big Dosser
Pop some baggy shorts over your bibs
I think you are flattering yourself unnecessarily thinking people will be looking. They wont, they have seen it all before and everyone knows exactly what one looks like. So yours holds no fascination for others.

In contrast, and without body shaming anyone, I'd like to express my gratitude to those men who put in an effort to ensure that strangers don't unwittingly see their penis.


Carbon fibre... LMAO!!!
I think you are flattering yourself unnecessarily thinking people will be looking. They wont, they have seen it all before and everyone knows exactly what one looks like. So yours holds no fascination for others.

I don't think the 'Seen one seen 'em all' thing works with male and female bits and bobs. Depending on ones sexual orientation, the spares can be be quite nice to admire.
Here's a shot of my partners rack for all to gawp at.


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Cat 6 Racer
The Red Enclave
In contrast, and without body shaming anyone, I'd like to express my gratitude to those men who put in an effort to ensure that strangers don't unwittingly see their penis.

Just be grateful the OP didn't post a pic to illustrate the extent of his problem.


In contrast, and without body shaming anyone, I'd like to express my gratitude to those men who put in an effort to ensure that strangers don't unwittingly see their penis.

Faux denials of body-shaming notwithstanding, it would be more appropriate to not imply/project your apparent expectation that male cyclists should wear additional baggy layer(s) over their tight-for-functional-reasons cycling shorts, or in some other way cover any body-shape-revealing short properties, to spare your embarrassment/revulsion/etc so that you don't have to put more effort into overcoming your instinct/urge/whatever-it-is to allow your attention to be drawn to the area in question. Instead, you clearly need to address your own attitude to legitimate gender-neutral functional attire, just as men in polite society are expected to overcome their instinct/urge to allow their attention to be drawn to women's, or indeed men's, equivalent areas.

It's incredibly easy to avoid noticing, or accidentally glimpsing, men's crotches, especially in the context of situations that are the subject of this thread - you should try harder.

Welsh wheels

Lycra king
South Wales
I commute to work, it is only a short way away so to make it worth while I go a long way out of my way. Its about a 14 mile journey in and I do find the most comfortable clothing to wear is cycle specific. However, when I get to work I have to walk past a lot of people and while the sensible part of me says that I don't give a monekys, part of me is a bit self conscious of the lycra look. I do get a bit of micky taking and sometimes I am very aware of how exposed you can feel in tights or shorts
Does anyone have any experience with tights or bib shorts that have a larger, more "covering" pad?
I don't tend to look for a long time at bloke's private areas even if lycra shorts make particular points stand out a bit, and I operate on the principle that most other people also adopt this rule.


Senior Member
East Devon
I think you are flattering yourself unnecessarily thinking people will be looking. They wont, they have seen it all before and everyone knows exactly what one looks like. So yours holds no fascination for others.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think people are furtively looking at "me bits" but a few of the lads will make a few comments that make people look.
If some one in the office shouts, "Look you can see his wang" people will look... they can't help it.
Its like saying "what ever you do don't think if elephants!!" and whats the first thing you think off.
Generally I am not bothered but if people draw attention to it, you do kind of feel uncomfortable.
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