Best way to kill a cat...Important bike technical question

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Legendary Member
I know the title seems off-topic but it's bike related.

You see, the cat which is now sentenced to execution by the most expedient method decided to leap on and in the process, upend my "bits box". Now this particular bits box is one of those compartmentalised jobbies, and each compartment contained loose bearings of all different sizes, purchased in gross packs (that's packs of 144 for the bairns). They WERE each in their own sections. Bang, clatter - A second later there were about 720 bearings (less a few wheels and bottom brackets worth) of all different sizes rolling around the shed floor.

I'm thinking of making a cat fur saddle cover.

Of course I jest - the real solution was to buy her a tin of tuna to say sorry for my nasty box making her jump

Raging Squirrel

Well-Known Member
North West
you kn ow what the bad thing is......theres actually people asked that exact question on the internet, in a serious tone, and people have given them a serious answer!

my 2 cats came home last year very i'll, and after 3 days of trying they both had to be put down.........£750 the bill cost me, all because someone took a disliking to them and gave them something they shouldn't have. Bastards!

I'm glad all the cat got was a tin of runa, hope you get the bearings all sorted (good luck!)


Bionic Subsonic
you kn ow what the bad thing is......theres actually people asked that exact question on the internet, in a serious tone, and people have given them a serious answer!

my 2 cats came home last year very i'll, and after 3 days of trying they both had to be put down.........£750 the bill cost me, all because someone took a disliking to them and gave them something they shouldn't have. b******s!

I'm glad all the cat got was a tin of runa, hope you get the bearings all sorted (good luck!)

Sounds awful - my guess for that description would be bait laced with *** as I've heard of that happening elsewhere.

[redacted to save the felines]


Legendary Member
you kn ow what the bad thing is......theres actually people asked that exact question on the internet, in a serious tone, and people have given them a serious answer!

my 2 cats came home last year very i'll, and after 3 days of trying they both had to be put down.........£750 the bill cost me, all because someone took a disliking to them and gave them something they shouldn't have. b******s!

I'm glad all the cat got was a tin of runa, hope you get the bearings all sorted (good luck!)

Sorry to hear that, if the substance is what I think it is, it's a particularly nasty effect. We had a spate of that in Sheffield last year


Über Member
I know it's a bit late now but I keep bearings etc in the small zip top plastic bags with a drop of oil shot in before closure. Mainly because my shed is a bit damp and I just KNOW it's gonna be me who drops the damn box, [it's difficult to poison yourself and fix the bike !]. Worth a thought if you'r going to have to resort the box anyway.

Night Train

Maker of Things
If you sent all the bearings to @Arch then her OCD will have them all sorted, polished and cataloged to precise tolerances and back in their compartments again.:whistle:

I would be building magnetised ball bearing towers with them all.^_^


Peasy. Pop the cat in a sealed box with a flask of poison and a radioiactive source. Also insert a radioactivity monitor in the sealed box which is programmed to shatter the flask if radioactivity is detected. You will then not only start off with a live cat and end up with a dead one but may well have a cat which is both alive and dead simultaneously for a while. Thought of that myself I did :whistle:


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Oh heck. I've done something similar. Was given a couple of tool boxes with compartments in. Decided to sort all the screws into similar lengths and heads. Took ages.

Then dropped said box, screws everywhere. Haven't bothered to sort this since, just have a box of screws now, all shapes and sizes. I gave up.


Über Member
Peasy. Pop the cat in a sealed box with a flask of poison and a radioiactive source. Also insert a radioactivity monitor in the sealed box which is programmed to shatter the flask if radioactivity is detected. You will then not only start off with a live cat and end up with a dead one but may well have a cat which is both alive and dead simultaneously for a while. Thought of that myself I did :whistle:
Schrodinger's cat paradox [or summat, I never could spell any of that]. However if the cat is both alive and dead untill you look and fix it in space time then how can you be sure it was actually there to upset the box in the first place. The spilled bearings could simply be the result of an incursion from an equivalent universe.
I'm going to lie down now, my head hurts.


Comrade Member
Limoges or York
The cat tried to do you a favour. It's a little known fact that bearings go 'off' if they aren't used. When laid in one position for too long the gravitational force pulls them out of round. This is why you should always use freshly grown bearings for the best results.


Hard of hearing..I said Herd of Herring..oh FFS..
County Durham
The cat tried to do you a favour. It's a little known fact that bearings go 'off' if they aren't used. When laid in one position for too long the gravitational force pulls them out of round. This is why you should always use freshly grown bearings for the best results.
and don't forget to only use free range ones too....
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