best hydration products

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Legendary Member
newton aycliffe


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
By chance look what just dropped through my front door. Shine and hydration and only £2.50. I think I'll go for the tangerine splash, I'm feeling bold.


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
Water, preferably cold. I tend to bang a couple of 1/3rd filled water bottles in the freezer* the night before and top them up with tap water... the mass of ice will keep it cool for hours on the hottest days.

*some rigid plastic will break under the strain.

david k

North West
The use of the term "hydration product" indicates that you've already fallen for the Gatorade brainwashing. Think water, rather than water laced with HFCS, the root cause behind obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Please excuse my ignorance but what's HFCS? I'll try googling it so may find the answer before I see a reply :smile:
High fructose corn syrup. It's a suspect in the obesity epidemic.


Rural Quebec
Squash? although that means something different over here I remember this time.
My brother was not the sharpest knife in the quiver (keep up) but when my mother made his lunch to go off to work he took the bottle with the undiluted orange stuff instead of the diluted bottle she had made.
What would you do?
Well he drank the undiluted stuff. He wasn't well for a while after that


Macho Business Donkey Wrestler
It's water with a high5 tablet for me on most rides of 50k or under, but I do use high5 energy source on big days out. 100k rides will see me use 2 x 750ml bottles at least.

Alan O

Über Member
As jefmcg said, high fructose corn syrup. Books have been written about the stuff and its very existence is interesting. It is a product invented by political will, not requirement.
On a visit to the USA some years ago I remember someone I was working with there being horrified that Coca Cola in the UK was being made with refined sugar rather than high fructose corn syrup - he'd been led to believe the corn syrup was the natural healthy choice.
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