Cheers for all the posts
To be honest its been a bit of a minefield chosing a bike for her so far...we went to a speialized AD on sunday to try to see a globe carmel. The salesman (read boy/lad) told us that they are no longer made and tried flogging us the dual tube step through of choice (circa £100 dearer and to me it looked like it weighed a ton and a half)
The worst thing was that when I told him Debs (her name) was a learner in her 40's he laughed

I dont think he meant it badly but I know she wanted out of the shop toute suite.
And so the search continues....Debs is certainly worried about 'stepping off' the bike without her 'lady bits' meeting with a cross bar, but to me that means stepping forward from the saddle not to the side (if that makes sense) and having both feet on the floor straddling the bike.
I've looked at soooooo many websites looking for a suitable bike, I could show Debs a 1000 pictures of varying models and she wouldn't know any better. I totally agree she needs to sit on as many different bikes as poss but EVERY single shop we go to has 99% male ATM bikes its proving a tad difficult.
Thanks for the earlier suggestion about a Dohon, I'll look into that. I have to say I was a little insular in my thoughts about a bike to learn seems that the local bike trainer station suggest they can get Debs remotely competent in a few hours at £5 per hour (bargain) on playgrounds/carparks.
However, after she has learnt how to balance she will be riding on gravel/tarmac I'm going to get her to sit on some really low slung 26" (or lower if they exist) stumpjumpers and see how it goes. Gearing wont be an issue with that (hopefully) as I can chop and change the gears/selectors as necessary.
Sorry for the long post again, I think you may get more of them when I get my back sorted out and look for another bike myself
PS: That has to be the most cracking smilie list ive seen on a BBS, It's hard not to post one of the buggers every sentence (needs a thumbs up one though)