Best Anti Ageing advice ?

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Past 40 if you don't use them you'll get "spindlier" and I have no intention of doing that.

What's "spindlier" Mark?

Just so I know what awaits me

(though I fear I may always have been)
Don't spend too much time in the politics/current affairs bit of ere.

Quite probably a fast route to a body that's lost all muscle mass apart from the fingers, greying skin, unexplained twitching, eyes constantly swivelling scanning the ether horizon for approval.


Casper WY USA
Going against the flow here....fearing death and old age is futile. Being an old ugly bugger I try to do what I can to stay healthy and mobile and to pay attention to the beauty I see outside every day. Also good to care about people other than yourself. The obsession people here in the US have with masking their age is stupid.
We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.

George Bernard Shaw

Keep that child alive in you.
kinda linked to your thing above - good sex is like play.

By the by the wellcome collection in london has an exhibition on Play at the moment - about to close.

There's a nice vid at the beginning where children are asked about the importance of play.

They give lots of good reasons why it's good.

Then they are asked if adults play.

From memory most agree that they don't - pressure - lack of time - work etc.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
I used to walk a lot as well as cycle but have now developed a spinal problem which can make walking any distance painful so cycling is my only real exercise now as it is not weight bearing. Sometimes wonder if my farming days when we would lift 10 stone bags on to our shoulders and climb up stairs to a loft did not do my spine any good. When I was an Assistant Distillery Manager this stood me in good stead as I was able to match and beat a recalcitrant employee at carrying grain sacks. Never heard any more complaints from him.


Not part of the Elite
South Tyneside
Bloody hell.
That's either a terrible statement on the health/self abuse of brits or a terrible reflection on the prescribing enthusiasms of brit doctors.
Avoid regular meds as long as possible is my intention, cycle, drop dead.

I actually took up cycling at age 57, because of my Doctor.... in brief

I was over-weight, with high BP, I had already had heart attack 8 years earlier....

At my annual check up, Doctor wanted to increase my BP medication.... I resisted, know side effects of medication .... Doctor was surprised, he told me, we don't get many people who resist a prescription! ..... instead, he enrolled me in a cycling group, which had been set up by local NHS trust .... the group was very poorly attended, but, I loved it, BP came down to acceptable levels, lost a stone in weight, brilliant, still cycling 15 years later.

Low Gear Guy

Going against the flow here....fearing death and old age is futile. Being an old ugly bugger I try to do what I can to stay healthy and mobile and to pay attention to the beauty I see outside every day. Also good to care about people other than yourself. The obsession people here in the US have with masking their age is stupid.
It is not about how long you delay death. It is about keeping physically fit for as long as possible and not spending your last twenty years with chronic bad health.
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