Please feel free to design and manufacture** a cycle helmet that will afford similar levels of protection.
Just to make life a bit easier for you - let's say design it for 30mph impact not 60 mph.
Oh - but don't forget that it must provide adequate ventilation.
** or sell the the design to a helmet manufacturer - and let me know which one so I can be first in the queue to buy one.
No? Then please wear a motorcycle helmet whilst riding your bike, since current cycle helmets are so inadequate.
Oh - you boiled your brain? As my kids would say "Soz mate". Would the rest of us notice any difference?
I don't think that the ECE 2205 test is rated above 30mph...however, I have seen it work effectively at 60mph.
I feel though if you were to be totally honest by your argument, you'd not wear any head protection on a cycle if you felt it made you look like a knob...well the honest truth is that they pretty much all make us look like knobs, but that is not why we would want to wear that bit is subjective as there are plenty of people who don't cycle would say that all people in cycling gear look like knobs irrespective of whether they are wearing head protection or not.
Venting is easy enough.... motorcycle helmets are made to insulate against cold, wind noise, wind blast rain etc and are rated on these things in tests, so a lot of time and effort has gone into trying to stop the things you are looking for in a cycle lid.
My hill ride has me starting off at the foot of it doing 15-20mph with a lid on, and by the time I've got to the top even when the temp is 5c, the lid is off, the gloves are off, I'm doing about 3mph, the jacket is unzipped and I'm cooking so I do appreciate where you are coming from....however, in this weather , I'm wearing a baseball cap under my lid to keep my head warm when riding in the town so there is a benefit for insulating your head in every day riding. Also when descending from the hill climbs, it is not unusual for me to be knocking on the door of 50mph as we have got some big hills here and do I think a cycle lid is up to the job...erm I don't want to test it.
I think to stick 2 fingers up to anything which will improve safety for cyclists because the ego of the 'against' might be a teeny tiny bit dented is a bit poor. I see people bitching and moaning on here about how dangerous the roads are and much of it is just finger pointing at others....there is a reluctance to take ownership of the problems...