Cycling at walking more risk than walking, get up to average cycling speed and the risks rise. Walking down the stairs and falling could and occasionally does result in fatal head injuries... would a lid help....very possibly.
How many of the pedestrian deaths occur on the roads where they are struck by other vehicles, and how many people die from tripping over a kerbstone or uneven pavements ? (IE no others involved in the accident)
The fundamental difference is that the very vast majority of people will not walk on the road when there is a pavement to walk on along side it.
Now can you answer my question please ?
From the DfT document @
srw referenced, walking has a mortality of ~45/billion km while cycling is a little below 40/billion km. As @
User has pointed out before, these statistics are derived from police reports - that is,
accidents involving vehicles that the police attend.
They do not include fatalities from trips or falls. In other words, the reported fatality figures for pedestrians is very much the minimum figure, the true numbers are not recorded, but will be higher. Quite possibly substantially higher.
Blethering on about pavements is besides the point (and more pedestrians die after being struck by vehicles on the pavement than all cyclist fatalities) - as pedestrians, believe it or not, frequently have to cross roads...