A sampling of the contents of my FVs (fermenters to you lot).
Left to right:
SMASH saison (pils malt and Nelson Sauvin hops) pitched with a mix of saison yeast and two types of Brett. I'd given up on this - it initially tasted hugely juicy and fresh and dropped crystal clear, but no Brett whatsoever. Stuck it in the attic next to the boiler and after a couple of months it's all of a sudden gone cloudy and there's a definite Orval whiff about it. I'll leave it another month, dry hop it with some Nelson Sauvin then bottle it.
Citra/Amarillo pale ale with 100% Maris Otter, pitched with what I think is a blend of Conan yeast (a strain from Vermont) and Brux trois. The latter strain was for years thought to be a Brett strain, but ribosomal sequence analysis determined it to be a Saccharomyces species, although it performs like Brett. The beer has a real passion fruit flavour. I'll dry hop this with more Citra - hopefully the trois will make it super juicy.
Russian Imperial Stout. Was hoping this would go over10%, but seems to have got stuck at 9.5%. No matter, it needs to condition for a couple of months and then it'll be bottled. Ready in time for Christmas.