After being impressed by Fourpure last night, I discovered today that their Tap Room is only a couple of eminently cycleable miles away. They're only open Friday and Saturday, so that's my Friday night sorted. I shall have to be disciplined, though, there's a ''beer feast'' just around the corner on Saturday.
I got to their tap room this evening and tried a Fourpure APA. They really have that rounded fruitiness thing sorted!
@Maverick Goose mentioned their Flatiron Red on another thread, so I tried it out as well. Similar fruitiness, a little muted at first but it developed an enjoyable taste of aniseed. On account of fatigue and an empty stomach, I decided that 2 was enough for the rest of the ride home. But I got a couple of cans of their Easy Peeler, a citrus session IPA, to stick in the pannier. I should have bought 3 cans to take me to
85 but I'll have to stop at
84 2/3. It is what is says it is, a citrus session beer, so no problems under the trade descriptions act. Dryer than the Fourpure's I've tasted so far with the fruit flavour closer to bitter lemon than hops but it does seem to go down well.
I'm going back to that taproom.....