I have to admit that anywhere in Greece I'd prioritise a good museum over a good beer, but then I'm weird.

Having seen you in action on holiday, 'prioritising museums' is now going to be my favourite euphemism.
Anyway, I suppose one should expect a load of flak in the beer thread for, er... drinking beer. But as I am expected to account for my cultural insouciance... we had already persuaded our colleague to start the meeting late on Saturday so that we had time to visit the Acropolis when it opened in the morning. Unfortunately that meant finishing late, leaving us, after the parting promises and pleasantries, with around an hour of museum opening time - which is about enough time to gawp at the space reserved for the stolen marbles in a manner reminiscent of
@srw contemplating the offerings from Brouwerij Huyghe on the shelf at a bar whilst prioritising museums in Dieppe.
Being serious for a moment, though - a meeting of diverse cultural organisations from nine very different European countries thrashing out their differences in order to deliver a project together, and sharing stories over a long and generous meze lunch at a small local restaurant is pretty darned European, is it not? Our Greek hosts were very charming, but much more interested in talking abut the refugee crisis, floods, gentrification and neo-nazism than in museum opening hours.
I didn't ask for a beer menu in Greek, on account of not speaking enough Greek to ask for one and not understanding enough Greek to read it (although my colleague turned out to speak it rather well, so we'd have been OK), so I don't know whether we got English menus because they don't have Greek ones, or because waiting staff are very good at instantly identifying the nationality of punters. Either way, Beer Time is a pretty sensible brand for a specialist Craft Beer bar selling independent local and international beers in a city where FYP is the norm but where there are gazillions of English-speaking visitors with smartphones, desperate for a decent beer. Its full name includes the district, so it's actually called Beertime Ψυρρή.