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I was daahn the smoke today and a couple of doors from where I was 'working' there was an Adnams shop with a few interesting things, got some Tally-Ho, a barley wine at 7.2% and one called Innovation which is a strong American style IPA chock full of hops and 6.7% - will report back my findings. They had quite a few other items of interest including a spirit distilled from Broadside, quite nice, a bit like brandy, interesting idea. Bought a bottle of Adnams Limoncello for t' missus. Although I'll probably have most of it.


Adnams shops are lethal to the wallet. Some of the Adnams pubs around here sell Tally Ho for £4 a pint. It has been the downfall of many a good man.


Some fecker has just nicked my beer! Left it on the doorstep whilst I put my bike round the back of the house - gone when I got back. Barstewards.


Corn Fed Hick...
...on the slake

Got good taste, give 'em that.


Well... just as I was getting depressed that my local no longer had the Wellington Imperial Stout, another (and as it turns out, much nicer) relatively new place around the corner has Péché Mortel, a coffee Imperial Stout from the astonishingly wonderful Dieu de Ciel! microbrewery in Montreal, on tap. Now this stuff is pretty much the best Imperial Stout I have ever had the pleasure to sample. Seriously, the ratings on Beer Advocate are between 98-100/100 - you don't get much better than that. If you ever see any of their beers in Europe, grab them as soon as you can...


"Ypres" from De Struise tonight. Its a flemish Old Brown barrel aged in burgundy barrels and then in wild turkey barrels. Not bad - enjoying it more as it warms up. Quite tart, but some good caramel and barrel flavour too. Mind you, pretty pricey at 10 eur. Not De Struise best beer - i'll stick with Liefmans Goudenband.


De Molen seem to have made a "whisky", although I guess they're not allowed to call it that. I'll try to pick up a bottle on the way home.

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