Been threatened :(

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Rhythm Thief

Legendary Member
Ross on Wye
The man's clearly an absolute tool. Think nothing more of it Joe, just have a quiet giggle when you remember how soon he'll die of needless stress.;)


Well-Known Member
North London.
Nasty incident and bad luck you came across him. I've had similar incidents myself and it shakes you up when something like that happens. Sympathy to you.;)

Andy in Sig

Vice President in Exile
linfordlunchbox said:
I saw an incident which made my blood boil less than an hour ago. I was on signal controlled roundabout west of Cheltenham coming towards town (By PC world) in the car (had my family with me), and in the middle of 3 lanes taking the 3rd exit, Young driver (no older than 17 as my kid recognised him as being a couple of years above her in school) in a brand new Fiat Punto comes up on the inside of me on the roundabout and waits for the lights to change. Driver in front of me indicates to move in as the lanes on our exit merge (Princess Elizabeth Way for those who know) She does everything properly and the young scrote in the punto starts to tailgate her. We drive on for about 200 yards and he begins to swerve around from left to right behind her. Then he got what looked like a tennis ball filled with some sort of liquid off his mate in the passenger seat and threw it at her car (which he hit). As he did this, his car swerved violently to the left as he was passing a junction, and he had no choice but to take it narrowly missing a car waiting to pull out of it. I followed him in there as I was going that way, and as he turned right off this side road, I gave him a toot on the horn and let him know what I thought of him :angry:.

A 17 year old driver carrying and throwing missiles at other cars who dare to be on 'his road' in front of him :rolleyes:

It took a 4x4 driver to point out his dick head behaviour to him as he attacked an equally small fiesta. It is everywhere and happening in all types of cars Mickle. Lets hope that natural selection gets him off the road before he does some real damage eh !

No offence, but what good is a toot on the horn going to do? It seems to me that if your daughter knows him, the sensible thing to do is for you to put in a complaint to the police about his behaviour (obviously you can keep your daughter out of it) and let them sort him out.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Joe, you came away from that without being belted, and without belting anyone else - that's not a bad outcome at all, considering that the nutter has 2 tonnes or so of fast metal at his disposal.

There's nothing wrong with avoiding that route at that time if you don't feel comfortable riding it for a while - I did the same for a little while after being threatened by a driver on my commute home last year.

Try to put it out of your mind, don't beat yourself up over the choices you made on the spot, and keep riding.


Senior Member
Sorry if I read your post wrong but if you were at a red light the knobhead in the 4x4 had a chance to get out and front you. - He didn't. Sounds like a tosser to me.
Andy in Sig said:
No offence, but what good is a toot on the horn going to do? It seems to me that if your daughter knows him, the sensible thing to do is for you to put in a complaint to the police about his behaviour (obviously you can keep your daughter out of it) and let them sort him out.

Absolutely. Linford if you know who this is you have a duty to report them. This time no harm came of it, but what if the next time they just happend to have something heavier to throw.....

Don't just talk a good game, you have to take action.

Saddle bum

Über Member
I hve not had time to read all of the thread, however......

You must report this to Plod. First, the idiot is obviously away with the fairies and could take it further with any poor soul that rubs him up the wrong way, and second, as a bike rider, such behaviour towards cyclists cannot be tolerated and he should be made an example of, no exeptions.


More serious cyclist than Bonj
John the Monkey said:
Joe, you came away from that without being belted, and without belting anyone else - that's not a bad outcome at all, considering that the nutter has 2 tonnes or so of fast metal at his disposal.

There's nothing wrong with avoiding that route at that time if you don't feel comfortable riding it for a while - I did the same for a little while after being threatened by a driver on my commute home last year.

Try to put it out of your mind, don't beat yourself up over the choices you made on the spot, and keep riding.

Thats a good way to look at it.:becool:
Went out this morning, came back the same way because its a good way to come, nice steep hill and then a gradual hill all the way. There was a police car behind me today where it happened. My legs were hurting after a hard ride today so wasnt thinking much other then, ahhh my legs hurt.
Perry, you are right, he could of come out at the traffic lights and fronted me. He was in a much busier section there, and where he had parked up down the road was where there arent any shops.
Cheers guys and girls for your help and support:becool:


Smutmaster General
tdr1nka said:
[mega pedant mode] Perhaps BTFB meant this? [mega pedant mode] :smile:
But of course! I'm a silly ttwa! ;)
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